Tuesday, March 23, 2010

R.I.P. Nujabes (1974-2010)

I know I'm a little late on this, but just wanted to pay a small tribute to the late, talented Née Jun Seba, known to most people as Nujabes. Apparently he died in a car crash in Tokyo last month...another one taken too soon.

I personally found out about him through his work on the anime Samurai Champloo, but after digging deeper into his tracks (although the ones he did for that are top notch) I found a slew of other noteworthy productions. His beats always had an introspective, nostalgic value that really grabs the listener immediately. I know he had a large influence on me personally when I started out making beats, and I'm sure others can say the same.

Here are some of my personal favorite productions by him:

Nujabes -Aruarian Dance

Nujabes -Think Different feat. Substantial

Nujabes - Tsurugi No Mai

Nujabes - Untitled (Track 15)

1 comment:

lharoon said...

Rest in peace. I came across Jun Seba the same way, and have been listening to his music ever since. I hadn't really given it much thought before, but your music does have that same chilled-out vibe that Nujabes' beats are overlaid with. Keep the torch burning.